5 Essential Reasons for Regular Dental Check-Ups

Are you one of those diligent brushers and flossers who think dentists are not for you? No matter how fancy your toothbrush is or how sincere you are about brushing twice a day, there may be nooks and corners you can’t reach. Plaque builds up rapidly if those areas are regularly missed and turn into solid tartar. Before you know it, little aches and pains in your mouth can turn worse and you may be headed for an oral nightmare. Are you one of those diligent brushers and flossers who think dentists are not for you? No matter how fancy your toothbrush is or how sincere you are about brushing twice a day, there may be nooks and corners you can’t reach. Plaque builds up rapidly if those areas are regularly missed and turn into solid tartar. Before you know it, little aches and pains in your mouth can turn worse and you may be headed for an oral nightmare. As the old saying goes, prevention is better than cure. It is easier, cheaper, and painless to book regular cleaning appointments with your local dentist at Edmonton than get cavities and root canals fixed or head for a dental surgery. Here are a few other important reasons why regular dental checkups are so essential for every member of your family.

5 Things Your Dentist Sees That You Don’t

Your mouth is the window to your body. There’s a lot going on inside your oral cavity that you may not be not aware of. Your dentist can spot diseases like cancer, gingivitis, anemia, and diabetes just by peering inside and assessing the state of your gums and teeth. Here’s more that they see that you don’t:

  1. Kidney & Liver Problems: If you have “fishy,” “fruity” or foul breath, beware! The odour could come from more than just unclean teeth or gums. “Fruity” breath can become from diet fluctuations or diabetes. “Fishy” breath could mean kidney or liver problems. Severe bad breath could even be gastroesophageal reflux (GERD), bronchial ailment, sinus congestion or lung abscess.
  2. Vitamin Deficiency: If your tongue burns or your gums bleed, do let your dentist know. It could be an infection or vitamin deficiency. Iron deficiencies can give your tongue or mouth sores. You may be prescribed vitamin pills to relieve your discomfort.
  3. Alcohol and Soda Addictions: Cavities and a dry mouth are often caused by excessive consumption of alcohol. Saliva protects the mouth by neutralizing excess acids. If you don’t go easy on your drinks, alcohol can dry out your mouth, give you bad breath, and damage your teeth. The same goes for soda and other sugary drinks. Energy drinks are usually more acidic than soft drinks and can wear out your tooth enamel.
  4. Bone and Jaw Damages: Every six months when you visit the dentist, you may be asked to get an x-ray done to check for any issues beyond the surface of your mouth, such as damage to the jawbone, possible cysts, tumours, decay or inflammation. Some diseases display little symptoms but progress quickly. Detecting them before they worsen and treating them on time is the best way to stay on top of your health.
  5. Oral Cancer: Sometimes, conditions can be life-threatening, such as oral cancer. If it is caught in the early stages, your dentist could well save your life. All it takes is a non-invasive, pain-free oral screening called A VELscope to look for mucosal abnormalities.

Contact Dr. Jason Harvey and Associates for Comprehensive Dental Care

Why take a risk when you can prevent tooth decay and diseases with regular bi-annual visits to your dentist? Contact Dr. Jason Harvey to schedule an appointment. Based in Edmonton, the clinic offers full dental service, comprehensive dental care in a gentle, comforting ambience. New patients are welcome.   All credit goes to Dr. Jason Harvey

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Take control of your oral health with care. Our cutting-edge technology and techniques ensure that you have the best dental experience possible. All our services are provided by a general dentist.